ADS-B Out Europe Mandate

In 2011 the European regulation (EU) N° 1207/2011 was published basically giving a schedule of the mandatory implementation of ADS-B out and Mode S Enhanced Surveillance requirements for any aircraft willing to continue to operate in Europe beyond 7th December 2020.

The Covid 19 crisis brought some burden in this initial plan and in May 2020 an amendment has been published (EU) 2020/587 giving the last guidance and clarifying also Third Country Operators requirements in order for them to fly in IFR basically in Europe.

To make it Simple, ALL aircraft have to be Mode S equipped. PLUS : every aircraft flying at a true airspeed of 250 kt or exceeding a Maximum Take-off mass of 5700 Kg ( 12500 Lbs) and manufactured after 7th June 1995 have to be equipped with ADS-B Out and Mode S Enhanced. This until 7th June 2023. On this date, all aircrafts will have to be equipped in order to operate in the Single European Sky Airspace.

The only exceptions are now only on the following conditions :

  • they are being flown to maintenance
  • they are being flown for export
  • their operations will be ceased by 31st October 2025

There is always a gap in any regulation, this is for aircrafts being manufactured before 7th of June 1995 for which a solution does not exist. To our knowledge this aircraft does not exist in Business Aviation. All airframes have a solution for ADS-B Out.

As a conclusion, our recommendation is to buy only aircrafts with ADS-B installed and certified, or negotiate an hefty discount on these airframes since this installation is between 200k€ to 800k€ depending on the type.

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